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Next Generation Energy Systems

The NexSys team
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Next Generation Energy Systems

About NexSys

(opens in a new window)Defining pathways to a net zero energy system 

(opens in a new window)
In May 2022, NexSys was officially (opens in a new window)launched by Irish Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science Simon Harris, T.D. 

Next Generation Energy Systems (NexSys) is an all-island, multidisciplinary energy research programme. NexSys is hosted by the (opens in a new window)UCD Energy Institute in partnership with eight other leading research institutions: ESRI, DCU, Queen’s University Belfast, University of Galway, Maynooth University, Trinity College Dublin, UCC, and Ulster University. 

46 leading academics work in partnership with industry to tackle the challenges of energy decarbonisation, developing evidence-based pathways for a net zero energy system.

NexSys has received €16 million in funding through Science Foundation Ireland’s (SFI) Strategic Partnership Programme (2022-26), with nine industry co-funding partners and one philanthropic donor. 

a list of ucd's partners


We are hiring Check this page for PhD scholarships, postdoctoral researcher roles, research assistant, student internships and operations team roles.

ESIPP becomes NexSys

The Energy Systems Integration Partnership Programme  (ESIPP)  was the Energy Institute’s previous flagship research programme and ran from 2015 to 2022.

This multidisciplinary research programme was a predecessor to NexSys, building on a track record of research with integrity and ambition, a collaboration between academic institutions, and partnerships with industry and academia.

esipp becomes nexsys

real time energy usage

The UCD Energy Institute Real Time (EIRT) Display shows the current status of the electricity systems in Ireland and the UK, including information on demand, wind generation, frequency and interconnector flows.


Hosted By: University College Dublin Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: nexsys@ucd.ie